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Are you ready to finally shift your relationship with money to become your Wealthy Self

without the struggle, sacrifice and dread around money?

How to move from Avoidance and Attachment to Alignment and Abundance And Permanently Shift Your Relationship With Money

Exclusive Advanced Training with Regina Martinelli

Watch the video below to learn our 6-part framework for our step-by-step process to ascend through the 6 Phases of Wealth Consciousness and get details for working with us in The Wealthy Self program.

You are invited to join

The Wealthy Self

Enroll today to start changing your relationship with money forever!

Now is your chance to join the Wealthy Self, but only until the offer expires:

  • Pay in Full and save $1,100 on your enrollment
  • Pay in Full Bonuses:
    • An extra month's access for free;
    • 1:1 session with a coach to uncover what you really want and what's been in the way; and
    • Exclusive access to a tool that many clients have used for reducing stress, anxiety, overwhelm, dread/fear, physical ailments and emotional states.
  • Monthly payment plan available


“I’ve been in the Health, Wellness & Yoga industry for 25 years, and for the longest time, it was a struggle to get people to participate in courses or to get clients. Participation was good, but it was never great. And then, after doing your course, I can honestly say that I have flipped the whole thing around. Like right now, I have clients paying me double what I used to charge before and that is GREAT! THIS SHIT WORKS. I’m sorry. There’s no other technical way I can say this. It’s a HUGE opportunity to upgrade your life!”

- Deb S., British Columbia

“I now feel more free to do anything I want in my life. So, I am even dating someone. Finally, I realized I can be strong, I can own my business, and I can make money. I deserve it. Yet, I grew up believing if you are too strong, if you have money…then you’re not going to be married. I remember the exercises I did in the course, I started to hear that the more I have, the more a guy can be with me because I’m going to be ME. And these new opportunities are showing up in areas that I am really excited about pursuing b/c it’s doing good for people and I am able to have money at the same time. And now I have my vision and no fear.”

- Tais, Mexico City

“I was doing my taxes and I have quadrupled my small business income in the last 6 months! It has been floating at around the same amount for the last 5 years. What a hoot!!”

- Louisa, New Zealand

“I just closed a $3k private client who seeked me out….no pushing, no striving, no pressure. My client didn’t bat an eye and was happy to pay for her transformation journey she’s about to embark on. Doing the Parts Alignment exercise on clarity helped me vision what I want…and this private client landing in my field will give me means to get there.”

- Genevieve, USA

“I have control over this and I am not “entry-level Sarah” anymore. I deserve more money. I asked for a raise….and received a raise and back pay, which I wasn’t expecting. All of my anxiety with work has subsided too. There was always this fear that I was going to get fired all the time. I’m not afraid anymore, which has allowed me to be myself, which has just meant that other opportunities are coming in, and many more opportunities at work. Instead of worrying about how people are perceiving me, or what I’m doing, I just can be myself without those thoughts anymore.”

- Sarah, USA

A couple of things to remember when reading our client results:

These are real clients, but specific results shared are NOT typical. They are all incredible people with an impressive focus to have results. These people took their relationship with money and themselves seriously and did the work to make a difference. We have not independently verified any of the results they’ve shared.

More Testimonials

You’re Doing All The Right Things…
And STILL Don’t Have What You Want Yet!

You’ve tried everything. You get off to a good start - but it doesn’t stick. You lose motivation only to have those old, familiar patterns return!

You’ve read all the abundance blogs/ebooks, done meditations/affirmations, listened to all the trendy podcasts on money mindset and journaled a zillion pages to revise your thought patterns but you feel more frustrated than ever.

You can’t seem to stop the repetitive cycles of having money, then spending or losing it.

You wonder how long you can handle this emotional rollercoaster of feeling burnt out, overwhelmed and wobbly self-worth.

You feel totally blocked around money, have been avoiding money, or aren’t even sure how to start shifting those patterns.

And you’re trying to do this all by yourself.

You wish someone would just take you by the hand and guide you through a proven successful process that actually works, and that you had a way you could just ask questions when you need to.

Did you think you’d feel differently about your success by now?

In reality you feel burnt out, overwhelmed, and frustrated that you don’t have the income, emotional freedom, ease, and fun of enjoying the money that you thought you’d have at this point in your career.

Imagine what it will feel like…

  • When you don't stress about money and can finally take that luxury, soul-affirming vacation!
  • You have cultivated feelings of confidence, security and ease within your being that you are going to be fine no matter what the circumstances are.
  • You finally get off that emotional rollercoaster because little triggers won't send you into a spiral or knock you out emotionally.
  • You can enjoy making, having and spending your money…without worry about what others think.
  • You feel safe showing up and being expressed as your unique self (e.g., speaking up at work because you're not afraid of losing your job, becoming destitute, or going into a spiral).
  • You live from this place of ease, flow, freedom and expression, enjoying what you have, while inspiring others to do the same!

You’re ready to change your relationship with money, but you’ve got a lot of questions!

  • What if it doesn't work for me?
  • What if I feel shame/guilt for wanting to have more?
  • How is this different from all the other courses I've tried?
  • What if I feel that money really is for other people?
  • How do I have money and have a life?
  • Where do I even begin?

I know, there can be a lot of questions and confusion if you’re starting to address your money mindset blocks for the first time. If you don’t have a process to follow, it can be easy to make some critical mistakes, get off track, and never end up at your fullest wealthy expression. Without guidance and support, it can be difficult to make any significant progress at all!

That’s why I’ve created my step-by-step program:

The Wealthy Self Program

The Wealthy Self Program is unlike any other money mindset or
abundance manifesting course out there.

The Wealthy Self consists of 12 modules of core curriculum complete with exercises, done-for-you templates, and a workbook to help you unlock blocks, release old patterns, and find fulfillment in your relationship with wealth and abundance. The tools, trainings, templates and processes in this program will save you hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars in wasted time and money.

We combine step-by-step training, easy to use templates and guided exercises with an incredible level of layered support through multiple coaching calls, Q+A sessions, spotlight coaching and several channels of direct communication for personal support. You will be surrounded by a fabulous community of heart-aligned, bad*ss mindset explorers, which just helps you level up much faster.

This program is everything you need to finally make
lasting change to become your Wealthy Self.



“I have read hundreds of books, taken several courses, and tried all sorts of things to change my relationship with money. This course was like no other course I’ve taken because not only did my relationship with money shift, my relationship with myself was transformed. I feel like I’m on a whole new level. I never knew that I was holding on to my beliefs about money because of my loyalty to my family and I was doing a really great job of it. This course is a beautiful deep dive into unraveling from the choices we made about ourselves and the world when we were kids. You could try and do this all by yourself but why keep making things harder on yourself when you can have Regina’s support. It’s incredible having someone guide you into revelations. Yes, you might cry and shake and want to resist all of the exercises but if you show up and you’re gentle with yourself and you allow to come up, what comes up you will realize that it never really was about money in the first place. Totally worth it!”

- Steph Renee, USA

“After doing this work, I realized that I am doing things, easily, just as a matter of course, that I had given up on or thought I could never attain. I am living the life that I saw at the tip of the Holo Arrow exercise, last year - that I was yearning for so badly. I have a completely different understanding of events when they occur, and how to cope with them. I have a sense of my own power and control in life. If I am faced with an obstacle now, I go straight to thinking “of course I can find a solution” and I know there is help.”

- Louisa, New Zealand

I just move through the world in a constant state of joy. I know that sounds totally hokey and weird, but it’s very rare that I have a bad day. I’m living in much more joy and my children are living in much more joy. Even my marriage is better. It’s an internal freedom. My whole life feels different. It’s a feeling in my heart and it’s something that I can enjoy every moment of every day if I want to now. Whereas before joy was something that was fleeting or it didn’t last very long.”

- Sarah

Life Before Becoming Your Wealthy Self:

  • You are earning money and would be considered successful by most people's standards - yet you don't actually feel any of the feelings you thought would come with financial success (such as safety, security, abundance or wealthy).
  • Whenever you experience financial success or a windfall, you feel guilty about it and wonder what other people will think of you (especially your family and friends).
  • You sometimes feel fleeting moments of abundance and serenity around money - but it only lasts a short moment, and you don't quite feel you can fully grasp it and hold onto it for very long. The slightest thing going "wrong" can send you into a spiral of doubt and shame quickly.
  • You feel like you're just not good with money! Like maybe it's just not meant for people like you. And when you look at your life, you do seem to see evidence that you and money just don't seem to get along.
  • You know that if you could just shift your relationship with money and abundance, you could unlock your Wealthy Self - in your business, your career, your creativity, your relationships and your legacy.
  • You are so committed to this journey and healing these old patterns, clearing away the blocks holding you back, and letting go of the "old you" that has been operating on autopilot and not from intention.

Life After Becoming Your Wealthy Self:

  • You own your accomplishments, your abilities and your wealth on your terms!
  • You authentically enjoy the success, money and opportunities that come your way with NO apologies.
  • You have an inner confidence that you are going to be just fine no matter what the circumstances are. You are off that emotional rollercoaster!
  • You and money are allies, co-creating what you want together allowing for new opportunities and money to show up in unexpected and delightful ways.
  • You engage with manifestation as an inner art that aligns with your values causing quicker results in the collective reality.
  • You experience abundance as so much more than just money…as more freedom, joy, love, satisfaction and ease in your business, your career, your creativity, your relationships and your legacy.
  • You have this deep trust that there is more than enough for everyone. And when you live in your fullest wealthy expression, you are an example of what's possible for others.
  • You become attuned to the real you. The joyful, creative, alive, free YOU!

If you could make these final, permanent money shifts consciously, you would have already done it.

What’s Included In The Wealthy Self?

The Wealthy Self includes access to all our premium exercises, content, templates and trainings in addition to biweekly group coaching calls, spotlight coaching for individual support, and regular Q+A sessions.

Step By Step Through The Wealthy Self

Module 1: Clarity on What You Really Want Regarding Money:

Get clear on what you really want when you are not obessed, stressed or overwhelmed by money. Discover that what you really want is actually closer than you realize.

Module 2: Brainology:

Why You Don’t Have What You Want Yet! And why it’s NOT your fault. You will also discover the 3 biggest blocks to money.

Module 3: Heart-Brain Coherence:

Experience this amazing process to align what your heart knows to be true with what your brain wants to believe. Clients have had life-changing shifts from this.

Module 4: The Power of Attachment:

Our clients who felt wavering self-worth, suffocated their own success, or had impostor syndrome created profound shifts to move successfully through the Attachment Phase with this module. And you can too.

Module 5: Alignment of the Conscious & Subconscious Brains:

Learn how to have these two brains conspire TOGETHER so they can deliver on what you want consciously. Right now, these brains are on two divergent paths operating in opposite directions creating opposing outcomes.

Module 6: Family-Inherited Loyalties:

Experience the power of having ancestral permission, support and guidance in creating the life you want.

Module 7: Generational Bound Alliances:

We all forge deep entanglements to our family’s history of money; it’s time to untangle those and have your own aligned partnership with money.

Module 8: Is Not About Manifesting - It’s About Choosing!

You’ll never manifest the same again after tapping into your phenomenal, birthright Superpower.

Module 9: Expanding Your Capacity for Wealth:

Go beyond what seems possible for yourself, and expand into the next level of abundance in your business, your career, your creativity, your relationships and your legacy.

Module 10: Vitality of Your Reality:

Delve into the quantum field to solidify manifestation as an inner art form within yourself and supercharge your relationship to abundance.

Module 11: Creating More Abundance w/ Less Effort:

Learn how to direct the phenomenal power of your subconscious to manifest what you want consciously…and you just let it show up!

Module 12: Money Magnetization & Beyond!

Be guided through a synchronistic integration and magnetization of what you want on multiple levels so that it takes on a life of its own for manifesting. Incredibly powerful!

Plus Special Bonuses!

$595 Value


"Experience Chain." This exercise helps you realize that your current unwanted experience has been the best option on the map. You'll learn to let go of the shame, guilt, and judgement you have. Then, you'll create the new experience you want, and anchor it into alignment. This has been a favorite exercise of the majority of my clients.

$595 Value


"Either-Or Choices" - The most powerful shift comes when you realize that your choices aren't either or... you can have both! This exercise shifts the dilemma of choosing between two opposites. Examples: "I can save money or buy what I want"; "I can either have a relationship or have my freedom"; or "I can have a family or travel." Whichever one you choose makes you feel disappointed, because you wanted the other option too. This tool solves this predicament so you can have the benefit of both.

$295 Value


"Body-Mind Connection" - Get your left and right brain hemispheres engaging with each other again after deep transformational change work. These exercises help you get back in your body and get your mind back online and present again.

Plus The Support, Coaching, And Advanced Training You Won’t Get Anywhere Else!

Biweekly Group Coaching Calls with Regina

Join us for spotlight group coaching calls every other week with Regina during your time in The Wealthy Self. These calls provide an opportunity to answer questions, dig into struggles, release blocks, and work through any issues you are experiencing.

Regular Q+A Sessions:

We have Q+A sessions twice per month to ask questions about the material, modules, exercises, and get clarity on where you feel stuck.

The Most Curated Community Of Heart-Aligned, Mindset Explorers That Are Ascending The Wealth Consciousness Scale.

The Wealthy Self community is where the most bad*ss abundance-mindset people on the planet are exploring what's possible. And you’re cordially invited into the club!

  • You'll be in an exclusive, safe, and supportive Facebook community of others to share this journey and support your evolution every step of the way.
  • You'll be surrounded by mindset explorers who are already on their way up the Wealth Consciousness Scale to Abundance, so you can learn from them and accelerate your results. Even if you are just starting from scratch, the fastest way to accelerate is to surround yourself with success.
  • Everyday people are sharing their wins and their insights, so you can get your own ah-ha's from their experiences to apply to your situation.
  • You will see tons of spotlight coaching and Q+A sessions creating inspiration and sympathetic resonance in the group, accelerating everyone's shifts and outcomes.
  • You'll be in a curated community of high-calibur, self-aware mindset explorers who have all invested to be there…which means the group is incredibly active, generous, inspiring and supportive.

Ready To Shift Your Relationship With Money Forever And Become Your Wealthy Self?!

Your Investment

Payment Plan

Start today for just $500!

  • 12 months access to the program curriculum, videos, modules, exercises, worksheets and content.
  • Biweekly live Group Coaching Calls w/ Spotlight Coaching Opportunities.
  • Regular live Q+A Session Calls to delve deeper into the training and any challenges.
  • A supportive, private community of heart-aligned, mindset explorers also ascending through the Wealth Consciousness Scale.
  • Everything you need to shift your relationship with money, including coaching and layered support.
  • Bonus: Experience Chain Exercise - Shifts your feelings of guilt/shame around money to ones more aligned with abundance. $595 Value
  • Bonus: Either-Or Choices Exercise - This shifts the dilemma of choosing between two opposite outcomes allowing you to have the benefits of both. $595 Value
  • Bonus: Mind-Body Connection Exercise - Incredibly useful technique to realign your brain after doing deep transformational work. $295 Value

Pay in Full

Save $1,100 !

  • 12 months access to the program curriculum, videos, modules, exercises, worksheets and content.
  • Biweekly live Group Coaching Calls w/ Spotlight Coaching Opportunities.
  • Regular live Q+A Session Calls to delve deeper into the material.
  • A supportive, private community of heart-aligned, mindset explorers also ascending through the Wealth Consciousness Scale.
  • Everything you need to shift your relationship with money, including coaching and layered support.
  • Bonus: Experience Chain Exercise - Shifts your feelings of guilt/shame around money to ones more aligned with abundance. $595 Value
  • Bonus: Either-Or Choices Exercise - This shifts the dilemma of choosing between two opposite outcomes allowing you to have the benefits of both. $595 Value
  • Bonus: Mind-Body Connection Exercise - Incredibly useful technique to realign your brain after doing deep transformational work. $295 Value

~ PLUS ~

  • An Extra Month Access to the Course, Coaching Support & Community
  • 1:1 Private Coaching Session - 30 minutes
  • Bonus: Creation Handling Process Exercise


It has been life-changing, it really has. I know I was meant to do this course and, It’s taken me half my life to really discover it. And discover what I’m worth and why I believe what I believe. I just wish I’d found this course 20, 30 years ago. It’s been brilliant. Absolutely. Brilliant. Thank you so much.”

- Liz, UK

“My freelance work was somewhat drying up, I wasn’t really doing much….so I stumbled at the price. 4 months later I’ve recouped the money for this course 4-5x over since starting it and I’m getting more freelance work and referrals that I love.”

- Elizabeth, USA

“I struggled with whether or not to take the class: it was not cheap but has been worth every penny! It was a REVELATION! The exercises gently guided me to go deeper than I ever thought possible and allowed me to change my experience from being hopelessly stuck to feeling positive about my future. I highly recommend this class to anyone who wants to change their relationship to money.

- Cheryl, USA

You can’t afford NOT do it! I know things are going to work out, no matter what happens. So now my husband and I are starting a business that would have never been possible before. It’s really just opened me up and allowed me to be. There really is a light that lives within me that just wasn’t there before, and I feel it now.”

- Sarah, USA

“One of my biggest wins from this course, I felt a huge burden removed from my shoulders and I could breathe. I used to think I had to settle for less, because that was the hand I was dealt…now I feel all different kinds of possibilities are available. I started asserting myself in my life, more outgoing, and I allowed myself to be me in social settings and connect with people on a different level. I definitely have a new perspective of money.”

- Steph Renee, USA

You Can Do The Course From Home, From Anywhere In The World, And On Your Schedule.

You can complete the course modules from the comfort of your couch or kitchen table, as long as you have an Internet connection! The entire program is completely digital so you can access it from anywhere through our private course portal. And you’ll never miss a beat; you can go at your own pace and do the lessons on your schedule.

Modules are released every two weeks, along with the regular live Coaching Calls. The Q+A Sessions are on the opposite weeks as the live coaching calls to give you layered support. All coaching calls and Q+A sessions will be recorded so you can watch those at your leisure.

What’s The Time Commitment?

How Long Does It Take To Get Results?

The honest answer is, it depends on you and your current situation. Most of our clients are able to experience shifts in their money mindset, and others have unexpected income or opportunities show up in the first few weeks of the program.

Keep in mind, others might take a few extra months to revise patterning that has been stuck for a very, very long time. There is no rush and no right or wrong amount of time, because you have 12 months of access to the program! Remember, each person has varying levels of blocks and layers of patterns to shift…so everyone’s experience will be unique to them.

How Long Does Each Module Take?

We recommend you set aside 2-4 hours the week they are released to go through the modules, and engage with the exercises. The modules are released every 2 weeks to give you extra time to do them and time for integration.

How Long Does It Take To Implement Everything In This Amazing, Life-Changing Program?

Of course, it all depends on your commitment and how your system integrates, but let me give you an idea based on our clients. We see our clients make huge achievements towards the Abundance phase in 4-6 months when they have done some personal-development work in the past. Deb went to being debt-free and doubling her prices in less than 6 months. Elizabeth recouped her investment 4-5x over 4 months after starting the course. Genevieve booked a $3k client with ease, within 4 months. Louise quadrupled her small business income in under a year…and this was her first time doing any type of money-mindset work.


There Has Never Been A Better Time To Shift Your Relationship With Money!

Why start today instead of waiting another 6 months to a year for enrollment to open again?

Starting now will allow you to:

  • Get off that emotional rollercoaster of feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, frustrated and wobbly self-worth.
  • Break through that income plateau you’ve been stuck at for years and start hitting new income highs.
  • Experience the success, safety, security and abundance/wealth you’ve been craving.
  • Enjoy your success/money…including making it, spending it, and having it without guilt, shame, or concern of what others (friends/family) think.
  • Have lasting, consistent feelings of abundance and serenity around money, no matter what the circumstances are.
  • Partner with money as an ally and use it as a tool for having what you want.
  • Unlock your Wealthy Self in your business, your career, your creativity, your relationships and your legacy.
  • Heal old patterns that hold you back from being the real you. The joyful, creative, alive, free YOU!

If you wait, you’ll be in the same place you are now. And 6 months from now, you’ll wish you had started today!

I know you may be thinking:

“I’m not sure if this is ‘too beginner’ or ‘too advanced for me”…

“I’m just starting out as a newbie to money mindset work, is this right for me?”

Yes! We have tons of clients come to us with no knowledge of what’s causing their money blocks, how to revise their repeating struggles, or know what they want in life…and then absolutely have huge, life changing shifts that stick.

If you are starting from avoidance or angst around money, we have a very specific plan for you to follow in the first few months to uncover what’s at the source of blocks, tools for revising your stuck patterns and get more clarity on what you really want. You are not “too beginner” for this, you found us at just the right time, because it’s worth it to start unlocking your wealthiest self the RIGHT WAY, THE FIRST TIME.

There’s no need to struggle on your own. Start off with the endgame in mind, and you’ll be moving faster right from the get go.

“I already am successful and have money in the bank, is this right for me?”

Yes! Absolutely. Many of our clients come to us when they are already successful and they want to take it to the next level.

Maybe you’ve reached certain income goals, but want to get beyond a plateau you’ve been at for years or are just curious about how far out in the stratosphere you can take it. We will take you to the next level of what is possible in aligning with the wealthiest expression of you.

This program is ideal for people looking to expand what’s possible for themselves and go beyond to next-level abundance. You’ll be in good company in this group, surrounded by other heart-aligned, bad*ss abundance explorers.

The Wealthy Self is perfect whether you are just starting out or an experienced money mindset bad*ss.

Who is this for?

  • You may be a newbie to money mindset work, but you know this is what you’re called to do - to stop struggling and have real abundance for yourself and your legacy.
  • You have been doing mindset practices but your results have been lackluster or fleeting. You need next-level mindset help!
  • You already know what your struggles are around money. (You don’t have to be clear on what you want, yet you need a general idea of what you don’t want anymore.)
  • You are committed to success. You are willing to keep going, get help and apply the tools.
  • You take complete and total personal responsibility for your results. No coach or course is going to hand you results, you are solely responsible for how you use these incredible tools.
  • You want to take your existing relationship with money and shift it to the wealthiest expression of yourself.

Who is this NOT for?

  • You blame circumstances and find excuses for why you can’t do something.
  • You have ZERO idea what your struggles or blocks are around money.
  • You are looking for a “get-rich-quick” solution. Please do not join, that is not a way to find lasting abundance or security.
  • You are looking for a quick fix. Everything takes time, especially for it to really start working its magic.
  • You have a bad attitude and think you already know everything even though you don’t implement anything.

There is no need to piece this together on your own, just follow our 6-part Wealth Consciousness framework for significant, lasting shifts in your relationship with money..and bring your Wealthy Self to life!

We’ll coach you through exactly how to approach this journey and support you the whole way.


“Having guilt about having more money than my family caused a yo-yo game of money by giving it to my family, then there was none…so I’d make more. I had feared that they would not love me without money. Now there are no more fears about that and I can choose to do what I want with my money from a different place.”

- Tais, Mexico City

“I grew up so scared that we didn’t have enough all the time. And now I don’t feel bad going out and buying myself something. And my kids know that they have enough and they know they always will have enough. Everything has changed. I just can be myself without those thoughts anymore.”

- Sarah, USA

“These exercises allowed me to see how easily money could come into my life. How I had a thought distortion in the way, or an energetic distortion. It was a pattern so well-worn that I was just repeating the same pattern. And so some of the exercises got me out of my own way to improve my relationship with money to allow it to be easy. I saw some of what I uncovered in the exercises were actually lies that I’ve been telling myself for a long time. It feels like a belief, but really there’s no factual basis.”

- Marilyn, USA

“It really opened my eyes. It was amazing - you actually get to the root of it. Both the content and the coaching is so important. It’s brilliant. Very, very different to anything I’ve seen before…very, DEEP and powerful. Not like anything I’ve done before. Other courses are just about like the law of attraction and, you know, you can think positive and manifest, but we went DEEP. Other courses might offer lots of different ways of getting through things but not to the root of it.”

- Liz, UK

Our Dream Clients

Self-motivated individuals who are ready to radically shift their relationship with abundance and wealth.

Abundance seekers and career-focused souls who see how they’re holding themselves back and deep down they know that change is possible.

Mindset explorers who’ve cleared a lot of the basic blocks and limiting beliefs, but the deepest ones still remain hindering their fullest wealthy expression.

Vision-led coaches, creatives, and solo-preneurs whose earnings have plateaued and they know it’s something deeper that needs to shift to break through that income plateau to start hitting new highs. (And know it’s not about having a better budget, shiny new tactic or working harder.)

Self-aware beings who crave deeper fulfillment from life and are curious how far out into the stratosphere they can expand their capacity for abundance.

Confident humans who are willing to do the work and bring their Wealthy Selves to life for their creativity, careers, relationships, and legacy.


“I am ready for the next step! That is why I took this course! And now I have my vision and no fear.”

- Tais, Mexico City

“Be bold enough to invest in yourself - quite important to be able to invest in yourself.”

- Debs, UK

I just feel so much more freedom. I know that I am creating my life. I know that I have the power to do that. And, It’s just so empowering. So freeing. I very rarely ever have a thought that ‘I am not good enough’, so this really has helped me tremendously.”

- Sarah, USA

“Entering this program, I thought money would be my focus. Now I see my biggest win is getting closer to my inner feeling of being safe and at peace no matter what is happening outside. My critter brain is still present, although I see it differently now and can now investigate why I still get reactions on some triggers. I really see and feel that vibration in peace and harmony from within coming to me. Feel blessed by this journey. “

- Asa, Europe

This work seeps into all areas of your life…after 8 years of no contact with my daughter, she is back in my life. Amazing!”

- Cecilia, Denmark

It’s time to have more impact by being your wealthiest self!

You already have your wealthiest self inside you…we just need to unlock it and get what’s in your head and your heart into alignment out in the world!

When you live from this place of ease, creativity, flow, freedom, and expression you can help others everywhere by being an example of how abundant life can actually be. It gives permission to everyone to have more too.

It’s time to move from Avoidance and Attachment to Alignment and Abundance And Radically Shift Your Relationship with Money…forever!

You’ve Got Two Choices Here…

You can stay on the struggle bus, trying to figure everything out on your own with no guidance, training or support, hoping and praying that it will work out.

You can get the proven step-by-step system that myself and hundreds of people before you have used to permanently shift their relationship with money and unlock their wealthiest selves.

Are you ready to stop messing around with hoping things will change so you can finally get off that emotional money rollercoaster?

Then the Wealthy Self is going to be the online program that changes everything for you.

Your Wealthy Self Success Story Begins Right Now.

I’ll see you on the inside ;)

No More Excuses…You Can Do This.

“I’ve already invested money in courses that didn’t work!”

Many of our clients come to us after nothing else has worked, to finally find the “right fit” in terms of shifting their mindset permanently and with ease in the safe community we create. We’ve been doing transformational work for decades and have worked with thousands of clients, many having come from other programs previously to find great success with our approach.

“I don’t have the time!”

You only need 2-3 hours for each of the 12 modules released over 6 months. You have 12 months of access to the entire program, that’s a few dozen hours needed in a year. So it’s just a matter of putting aside pockets of time around your job & family commitments to set yourself up for your fullest wealthy expression.

“I’m scared, what if I can’t do this?”

You want to know a secret? The most successful people you look up to all felt scared before they took action. Confidence comes from ACTION. The more tiny steps you take, the easier and easier it gets - until one day you won’t even recognize yourself because you are such a money mindset bad*ss!

“I’m afraid I’ll get lost in a group coaching program!”

We have layers of extensive support and several channels to communicate with us so that you get the individual support you need. Our group coaching model combines all the benefits of a group (motivation, peer support, inspiration, group wisdom) plus coaching calls with opportunities for spotlight 1:1 coaching providing lots of personal attention.

Their Experiences

“This sounds amazing, but will it work for me?”

If that’s what you’re thinking right now, I get it! It’s sometimes hard to tell from the website! Send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram and I’ll answer any questions, concerns, or worries you have about joining us in The Wealthy Self. No high-pressure sales tactics, I promise. 🤍

“This sounds amazing, but will it work for me?”

I’m obsessed with empowering vision-led people, just like you, in becoming their Wealthy Selves!

I’ve been coaching clients all over the world for over 25 years, and I saw too many burnt out people become overwhelmed or lost after attending countless abundance webinars or going down endless rabbit holes of mindset practices to end up with the same dysfunctional relationship with money. It just seemed like a lot of effort and time for very little significant results. There had to be an easier way to have abundance, freedom and wealth in your life.

The Wealthy Self was created out of my love of helping people, and my fascination with the power of transformative learning, neuroscience, and quantum physics to release the subconscious patterns that keep us stuck. I am committed to making sure you have EVERYTHING you need to revise your stuck patterns to unlock your wealthiest self! Forget everything you think you know about shifting mindsets and manifesting abundance. You are about to learn my cutting edge, innovative, fresh-squeezed tools that no one else is teaching.

And being a certified Master NLP transformational practitioner, Holographic Coach, with a Master’s degree in Change Management/Organizational Development…my superpower is uncovering your blocks and limiting patterns at the source, and giving you the tools to release them so you can shift your relationship with money forever to become your Wealthy Self!

I’m excited to see what you create with these tools, trainings, and templates - all designed to make implementing as easy and fast as possible. I am excited to see your name amongst our amazing success stories!


“You are just incredibly genuine Regina. So I just knew that it was the right course. It was fantastic. The best thing I’ve ever done before. Incredibly talented at what you do. I’ve recommended it to loads of people.”

- Liz, UK

“Creating more wealth from the health you have. Loved the depth of this class…it met me where I needed to be met.”

- Marilyn, USA

“And Regina, in her live online coaching calls, is keenly sensitive. She knows just when to interrupt your “story” and ask you insightful questions that encourage you to see yourself differently. Regina is a treasure!”

- Cheryl, USA

“Shifting beliefs from being in a toxic family is life changing. I had relief from guilt, pain, stickiness and can have a great life.”

- Sandi, Australia

“High level of integrity that she brings and her investment in everyone. I felt safe, heard and able to change my perspective without judgment.”

- Debs, UK

“Your intuition is telling you to do the course, then just do it. It’s going to serve you. And, I guess that’s it. I mean, that’s what I did. It was perfect.”

- Sarah, USA

“I had a chat with Regina this week and realised that money has been manifested although I haven’t done anything else than attending this course. Very interesting how things just have fallen into place by itself since I started this course. I realised it is time to celebrate! I am super excited to see what happens when I continue doing this work on a weekly basis!!”

- Asa, Europe

“So authentically consent, genuine, that to me was really compelling. Real and genuine care and concern for each individual.”

- Elizabeth, UK

“Yesterday’s session was so powerful and deeply touching. Am feeling immense gratitude and awe for being part of this incredible group and the opportunity it’s provided to heal with everyone. Many thanks!"

- Kyra, USA

“Regina is patient, takes time with you. The live calls were really great at connecting and learning through others.”

- Cecilia, Europe